Are you tired of struggling to find consistent, high-quality leads for your online business?

Is your lack of leads making your income unpredictable which is stressing you out?

Do you find it challenging to balance lead generation tasks with all the other essential aspects of running your online business? 

Have you still not found or figured out a lead generation strategy that’s a cohesive and proven process that works for YOU?

Are you missing a clear road map which is leaving you lost and unsure about what steps to take? 

Are you feeling like you’re never doing enough, so you’re always working – and so you’re losing passion and enthusiasm for your online business?

I’ve got your ticket to mastering the art of attracting high-quality leads effortlessly, without the headache of paid advertising. 

If you feel stuck and overwhelmed and want to break free from these challenges, I’m glad you’re here… because if this is resonating at all…

Then you have a LEADS problem.

It’s not your offer. It’s not your launch. It’s not your social media.

You simply aren’t connected to enough of your perfect people

to make your offers to.

If you’re a service-based online business owner with big dreams and a fierce passion for what you do, then this program was designed with you in mind.

Everything you need to know and do to amplify your Lead Generation
so you can work less while making more
is included in my brand-new
online training & coaching program!

Hi there!

In case you don’t know me yet, I’m Alicia Forest, and I’ve had a very profitable and part-time online business since 2001.

As a seasoned online marketer, I’ve experienced the highs and lows of lead generation.

It’s taken a lot of learning and testing to figure out what the easiest and best strategies are, and I’m here to share all of them with you!

I made my first $100k with less than 2k email subscribers and no social media contacts while only working about 15 hours a week.

Through 9/11, a recession (x2), two major personal health challenges, and a pandemic, I’ve built a multiple 6-figure business working for myself and from home, and I still only work less than part-time hours and take every school break and summer off.

I’ve helped thousands of entrepreneurs across the globe, and I’d be delighted to teach you too inside my brand-new program!

The ❤️ LEADS LOVE ❤️ online training & coaching program is a 6+ month experience for coaches, course creators, membership site owners (all service-based experts!) who want to attract, connect and convert a lot more of their perfect people (aka high-quality responsive leads) to work less while making more sales and a bigger impact.

This 6+ month program begins on September 18, 2023 and ends March 31, 2024.


Why Lead Generation Matters

Let’s face it – leads are the lifeblood of your online business.

Without a consistent stream of potential clients and customers flowing in, your business growth becomes a constant uphill battle.

You deserve a lead generation strategy that not only brings in dream clients and repeat customers but also positions you as an expert in your industry, paving the way for financial abundance and personal fulfillment.

The Struggle Ends Here

I get it – the online business world can be overwhelming.

Algorithms change, trends shift, and suddenly what used to work no longer brings in the leads you need.

You put your heart and soul into creating amazing digital products, programs, and services, only to face the frustration of trying to attract the right clients and customers.

You’re hustling hard, creating content, reaching out on social media, yet the leads you get come slow and are far and few between.

And let’s not even talk about the inconsistency – one day you’re celebrating a new lead, and the next, you’re wondering if you’re invisible.

Sound familiar?

That’s why I’m here to guide you every step of the way.

Introducing Your Path to Transformation

Enter the ❤️ Leads Love ❤️ online training program – a comprehensive, step-by-step program that will revolutionize the way you approach lead generation.

This isn’t your average training program that leaves you overwhelmed with a jumble of random tactics. This is a holistic system that digs deep into your lead generation challenges, addresses them head-on, and empowers you to rise above the fray.

This is your compass to a new era of lead generation that’s rooted in abundance, clarity, and consistent growth.

Break Free from Lead Generation Inconsistencies

My ❤️ Leads Love ❤️ program is a comprehensive system that empowers you to:

  • Craft irresistible free and paid lead generators that resonate with your ideal audience.
  • Attract high-quality leads organically and build meaningful connections with them.
  • Implement time-efficient lead generation strategies, even with a busy schedule.
  • Convert leads into loyal clients and repeat customers through authentic and personalized communication.
  • Establish your brand and become a go-to expert in your industry.


Understanding the Lead-to-Revenue Chain

It’s not rocket science ~
it’s a simple equation of attracting, engaging, and converting leads into paying clients and customers.

With a steady influx of high-quality leads, your client base expands.

These clients become repeat customers, and they refer others to your business.

Before you know it, your revenue climbs to heights you’ve only dreamt of.

Your Transformation Awaits

When you join us, you’re not just investing in a program – you’re investing in your own growth, your business, and your dreams.

Picture this: a thriving business that brings you financial abundance and personal fulfillment.

 🎉 waking up each day to a flood of inquiries from potential clients who can’t wait to work with you.

 🎉 having a steady flow of leads without the stress of constant promotion.

 🎉 the relief of having a consistent stream of leads, allowing you to focus on what you do best – serving your clients and customers and creating exceptional value.

 🎉 yourself as a recognized industry leader, enjoying a thriving business and a life that’s balanced and fulfilling.

This is why I’ve created my brand-new program that’s focused on lead generation for your online business.


When you enroll in LEADS LOVE, you’ll get…

Kick-Start Virtual Retreat

We’ll meet at the beginning of our program for a 90-minute Virtual Retreat, where we’ll take an assessment of where you are right now with regards to your lead generation in your business and make a specific plan for how to get to where you want to be by the end of the program. This plan will help guide you (and me!) to stay on track to achieve your goals.

6 LIVE Online LEADS LOVE Growth Trainings*

Each LIVE video training class is your opportunity to learn just-in-time content, strategies and techniques that are working right now, which are critical to your lead generation success. Training classes are delivered via livestream so you can participate live or dive into the replay when it’s convenient for your schedule.

*See full training details below.

12 Voxer Q&A Sessions

Our Voxer Q&A sessions are your chance to text or talk with me one-to-one as I answer your questions and share resources and advice as needed. These sessions are held via the FREE Voxer app which you can use on your phone OR your desktop – whichever is easier for you. From October through March, there will be two sessions per month on different dates and times, and you can choose to attend whichever one (or both!) work best for your schedule.

Private Voxer sessions with me start at $750, but as a LEADS LOVE student, you get private 1:1 access to me twice a month for 6 months!

Group Coaching inside our Private Facebook Group

I’ll be present and coaching within the LEADS LOVE private FB group, so for every appropriate question that’s posted, I will personally answer it. We’ll also be adding resources, and offer #progress and #accountability check-ins each week to further support you. You can be as present as you’d like, and as your needs warrant. It’s open 24/7.

Weekly Check-ins & Monthly Reviews

Each week, I’ll ask you to check in with progress and questions. And each month we’ll do monthly review of the strategies you’ve employed so I can offer tweaks and direction for even better results. We’ll be using a tracking doc to help with these accountability benefits and to move forward each and every week and month towards your lead generation goals.

Bonus Trainings

To further support you in your lead generation, you’ll get these special bonuses too!

  • Lead Magnet Workshop
  • 20 Strategies to Ignite Your List
  • Email Sequence Success Templates
  • AI Prompts Custom-Designed for Your Business
  • Lead Generation Templates
  • Samples and Examples for Every Strategy
  • And more as we go!

Private LEADS LOVE Hub

All program materials will be housed on a private website to make finding just what you need when you need it quick and easy!

The Hub will also include recommended resources, tools and other materials to further enhance your lead generation progress.

My LEADS LOVE Promise*

If you implement what I teach, show up in the program, ask for support and give it your best effort, you WILL increase your leads. That said, if you don’t increase your leads by at least 1000 within one year of joining, I’ll give you $500 in Online Business Breakthrough Bucks to use inside my online shop.

*I know that if you do the work, you’ll get results. I also know that sometimes it takes a promise like this to encourage you to try! While I won’t ask for proof, I will ask that you be honest about your efforts.

I also know that you’ll get far more value from your investment in this program than just the strategies to attract loads of new leads, so I hope offering a $500 credit seems both generous and fair.

6 Online LEADS LOVE Growth Trainings – the details

❤️ Easy & Free List-Builders Training

In this training, we’ll cover how to creating irresistible free lead generators by understanding the different types of lead magnets and their roles in the lead generation process. I’ll share with you the single email to use in your follow-up (word-for-word) that will endear you immediately to your new subscriber so they will be eager to learn more from you in the near future. I’ll also give you my brand-new 30-day feel-good follow-up sequence strategy that’s authentic and effective.

❤️ Paid Lead Generators Training

In this training, we’ll focus on creating PAID lead generators with email nurture funnels. Together we’ll design automated email sequences to nurture your leads and guide them toward saying yes to your next offer. This one training alone is worth more than the investment in this program. 😉

❤️ How to Create New Content Continuously & Easily to Attract New Leads Training

This is your most requested training!

In this training, I’ll have you mastering the art of creating magnetic content that attracts your target audience organically. You’ll discover content formats and tactics that are fast and easy to implement, yet position you as an authority, inspiring trust and credibility. I’ll also show you how easy it is to create a schedule for your content creation that will allow you to knock out a month’s worth in just one day.

❤️ Long-Game Leads Training

In this training, I’ll teach you my favorite powerful organic traffic strategies to drive more quality leads to your website and landing pages every single day. I’ll walk you through how to easily unlock the potential of SEO, social media, guest posting, collaborations and so much more to expand your reach ongoingly.

❤️ Bumped Leads Training

This is where it gets really good. 😉 In this training, I’ll show you several ways to turn your new prospect into a buyer in one step. BOOM. 🎤

❤️ Next-Level Strategies Training

And of course, I want to help you amp up everything you learn and the results you get! In this training, we’ll cover how to scale your lead generation efforts, with specific strategies to expand your lead generation to reach new audiences. We’ll also cover how to track your lead generation strategies so you’ll always know what’s working – and not – for YOU – so you’ll never be wasting your time, energy or efforts!

All trainings includes transcripts and done-for-you templates, checklists, scripts, process flows and any other material to help you quickly and easily implement your learning. All video trainings and transcripts are searchable, so you can quickly find just the content you’re looking for!*

*See Full Schedule Below

What’s the investment?

I’ve purposefully designed ❤️ LEADS LOVE ❤️ to be an affordable and accessible alternative to figuring everything out of your own.

Being a regular participant in ❤️ LEADS LOVE ❤️ will give you the dedicated camaraderie, support and accountability of a peer group with expert guidance from me, which will significantly shorten your timeline to more income and save you a whole lot of struggle and frustration too!

❤️ LEADS LOVE ❤️ is a true workshop-style program where you get to move forward not just by learning but by DOING, and by having me as your personal coach, guide and mentor, every step of the way.

Although I don’t offer private coaching anymore, my fees were up $22k, so being one of only 50 ❤️ LEADS LOVE ❤️ students is worth 30xs your investment in the program.

This is the only time I’ll be teaching this program LIVE, and if I repurpose it later, the price will be $997 or higher, but if you join now…

Your Special Invitation is just $750-

The special rate is only good for registrations received before September 15, 2023
or until all 50 43 spots are taken, whichever comes first.

Just choose your preferred payment option below…

Payment Plan

10 payments every 30 days
  • 90-minute Kick-Start Virtual Retreat
  • 6 LIVE Online LEADS LOVE Growth Trainings

  • 12 Voxer Q&A Sessions

  • Group Coaching with Alicia

  • Weekly Check-Ins

  • Monthly Reviews

  • Private Facebook Group

  • Private LEADS LOVE Hub

  • Bonus Trainings & Templates:

  • Lead Magnet Workshop
  • 20 Strategies to Ignite Your List
  • Email Sequence Success Templates
  • AI Prompts Custom-Designed for Your Business
  • Lead Generation Templates
  • Samples and Examples for Every Strategy
  • And more as we go!

This online transaction is 100% secure and after your information is received, you will get an electronic receipt and further instructions within a few minutes.
All major credit cards and PayPal are accepted.

Got questions? I’ve got answers!

What's my return on investment for this program?

While I can’t promise any return on your investment in this training (because I can’t control what you will or will not do with what you learn ;-)), what I can tell you is that I’m confident that if you apply what you learn, you WILL get an ROI that far exceeds what you paid for this comprehensive program – which you can return to again and again. It’s yours for life. 😊

By implementing the proven lead generation strategies and techniques you’ll learn in the program, you can attract high-quality leads more efficiently and effectively. This translates to an increased number of potential clients and customers engaging with your digital products, programs, and services.

Imagine converting just a few of these leads into paying clients and you can easily see that you’ll cover the cost of the program and start generating a positive ROI.

As your lead generation skills improve, you’ll create a steady stream of qualified leads, allowing you to scale your business and expand your client base. With each new lead converted into a loyal client, you’ll further enhance your ROI and continue to profit from the program long after its completion.

And the expertise you’ll gain through the program will empower you to optimize your lead generation process continuously. This means the value and impact of the program extend far beyond the initial investment, positioning you for long-term success and financial abundance!

And I’m committed to making this program accessible to motivated individuals like you by offering two different payment plans, so you can choose the one that is best for your budget.


How long is the program?

The program officially kicks off on September 18, 2023 and ends March 31, 2024 (approximately 6.5 months).

After the program ends, you’ll continue to have access to the trainings and templates and other supporting materials and resources so you’ll be able to continue to generate more leads who are your perfect people!

What if I'm just starting out or have a small list?

Then this is the PERFECT program for you.

We’ll focus on getting your first 100 perfect people to join your email list, your community, and/or your other online place for continued connections.

Then we’ll focus on making a plan and taking action to get to your first 1000.

Just so you know, my very first virtual training had 3 attendees. 😉 We all start with just a few people, but that’s all we need!

So don’t let just getting started and having a small list deter you, ok? The very first thing I tell my new students is to focus on connections before creating content!

What if I'm a more seasoned business owner?

Wonderful! Then we’ll be able to amp up your lead generation strategies together. We’ll dive in to see what’s working well, let go of what’s not, and tweak your techniques for even better results to increase your leads and your income, without working more.

How will this program be delivered?

Live trainings will be held via Streamyard livestreaming into our private Facebook group, where you’ll be able to communicate with me via the comments live during the training.

(In case you were wondering why I’m not using Zoom…Zoom’s terms of service update (effective as of August 7th, 2023), establishes the video platform’s right to use customer data for training its AI models. They have also claimed the right to own call content royalty-free in perpetuity. So I’ve made a conscious choice to no longer use Zoom.)

Recordings will be immediately available inside the group and posted inside our private HUB within 24 hours.

Group Coaching will be held inside the Facebook Group.

Voxer Sessions are held via the Voxer App, either via mobile or your desktop.

All program materials will be housed inside our private HUB.

All course communication will be via email.


What's the full schedule for the program?

Here’s the full schedule for the Leads Love program:

Program Schedule of LIVE Trainings & Voxer Q&As

Leads Love begins on September 18, 2023 and runs through March 31, 2024.

Kick-Start Virtual Retreat
September 22
11:30-1pm Eastern

Easy & Free List-Builders Training
September 27
11am-12pm Eastern

Paid Lead Generators Training
October 11
11am-12pm Eastern

How to Create New Content Continuously & Easily to Attract New Leads Training
November 8
11am-12pm Eastern

Long-Game Leads Training
December 6
11am-12pm Eastern

Bumped Leads Training
January 10
11am-12pm Eastern

Next-Level Strategies Training
February 7
11am-12pm Eastern

Vover Office Hours

October 5 – Thursday
12pm-1pm Eastern

October 18 – Wednesday
1pm-2pm Eastern

November 7 – Tuesday
12pm-1pm Eastern

November 16 – Thursday
1pm-2pm Eastern

December 7 – Thursday
12pm-1pm Eastern

December 12 – Tuesday
1pm-2pm Eastern

January 11 – Thursday
12pm-1pm Eastern

January 23 – Tuesday
1pm-2pm Eastern

February 8 – Thursday
12pm-1pm Eastern

February 21 – Wednesday
1pm-2pm Eastern

March 1 – Friday
12pm-1pm Eastern

March 20 – Wednesday
1pm-2pm Eastern

All dates and times are confirmed. However, slight changes due to Alicia’s schedule or unforeseen circumstances may occur over the course of the program.

How long will I have access to the program materials?

You’ll have lifetime access to the program materials, and any upgrades are included as well.

What's your refund policy?

Due to limited spots and immediate access to program materials, there is a 7-day refund period. Please see full terms & conditions here.

How much time with this take?

I completely understand that time is our most precious resource, and it’s essential to prioritize your commitments. I’ve specificially designed this program to be efficient and time-friendly, recognizing the busy schedules of service-based online business owners like you (and me!).

I’ve structured the program with bite-sized, actionable steps that can fit into your daily routine without overwhelming you. The strategies and techniques I’ll share are crafted to be time-efficient, allowing you to achieve significant progress in just a few focused minutes a day.

Investing in this program can lead to significant time savings in the long run too. By mastering effective lead generation strategies, you’ll attract high-quality leads more efficiently, reducing the time spent on ineffective or scattered efforts.

You’ll gain the expertise to streamline your efforts and create a system that works efficiently, giving you more time to focus on other aspects of your business.

What if I'm not tech-savvy?

I completely understand that technology can sometimes feel intimidating, but rest assured, we’re here to provide you with all the support and guidance you need.

LEADS LOVE is designed to be accessible to individuals with varying levels of technical expertise. I’ve crafted the lessons to be straightforward and easy to follow, ensuring that you can navigate the online tech aspects with confidence. My goal is to make the process as simple and user-friendly as possible.

Additionally, you’ll have access to a community of like-minded entrepreneurs who can offer assistance and share their experiences, and to ask questions, seek guidance, and troubleshoot any technical challenges you encounter.

Can I see more of your students' thoughts and results?

Of course! To see more praise about working with me in my programs, just click here.

I have one more question...

Great! Email me at and I’ll get back to you asap.

A little more about me…

There comes a time when you know you need higher-level and more personalized support (and maybe you’ve known for some time), and you’re ready to invest in yourself and your business to do so.

My brand-new and powerful ❤️ LEADS LOVE  program is unique in the level and amount of access to my experience and expertise you receive for an investment that will make you smile.

So, is it your time and your turn? I believe it is… 🙂

I’ve designed the program to serve and support both new and seasoned online business owners by including customized training and coaching for each student at a very affordable investment.

❤️ LEADS LOVE ❤️ is the perfect place for you if you’re looking for personalized support and guidance as you reach for your next level of business success, without the hype, the stress or the overwhelm.

If you’ve done the big group programs and are ready for more personalized support, then I look forward to working with you inside the high-touch ❤️ LEADS LOVE ❤️ program!

When you work with me, what you’re really getting is…

❤️ Support from a 22+ year successful online business expert who’s been where you are and knows the fastest path to getting you where you want to go.

❤️ Access to the exact steps on how I’ve generated well over 6-figures just from implementing the lead generation strategies I’ll be teaching you. 

❤️ Permission to do things your way, in your time, on your terms, and have the utmost confidence and knowing that it will work.

❤️ Easily repeatable processes to follow and make your own to generate a lot more revenue a lot faster and easier in your online business – and not just once, but multiple times!

Payment Plan

10 payments every 30 days
  • 90-minute Kick-Start Virtual Retreat
  • 6 LIVE Online LEADS LOVE Growth Trainings

  • 12 Voxer Q&A Sessions

  • Group Coaching with Alicia

  • Weekly Check-Ins

  • Monthly Reviews

  • Private Facebook Group

  • Private LEADS LOVE Hub

  • Bonus Trainings & Templates:

  • Lead Magnet Workshop
  • 20 Strategies to Ignite Your List
  • Email Sequence Success Templates
  • AI Prompts Custom-Designed for Your Business
  • Lead Generation Templates
  • Samples and Examples for Every Strategy
  • And more as we go!

This online transaction is 100% secure and after your information is received, you will get an electronic receipt and further instructions within a few minutes.
All major credit cards and PayPal are accepted.

Questions? Happy to help! Email

Please see our full terms & conditions here.